Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Perfect Snow Day

The month of December is flying by more quickly than I would like. I've been trying to slow down and smell the pine needles (too corny?) but the days always seem to end up in fast forward. This morning we woke up to a glorious blanket of snow covering our neighborhood. The plows don't come to us, so our little corner of the world always looks picture perfect all covered in white. It's almost like being back home in the country. Chris decided to work from our living room while we enjoyed a perfect snow day. Snow angels, Christmas movies, hot chocolate, milk naps, burnt sandwiches.....I want to remember today forever. And today, I will. Time finally slowed. Every vivid detail of every single moment has been noted and catalogued in my mind for quick retrieval when I need a reminder of just how amazing my life is. The day was anything but perfect, but somehow it was my perfect day. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Spa

Everyone at The Spa has been putting in no small amount of blood, sweat and tears to get ready for the grand opening. The open house last night went off without a hitch and the guests and team members really enjoyed themselves. Thanks to some really amazing people, The Spa at Ricky D. St. Onge MD has a very bright future. The managing esthetician, Lindsey, offers some amazing services including a pumpkin facial that yields rave reviews. I know I will be booking an appointment with her very soon. Whether you come to The Spa for your routine OB-GYN visit, a massage, or a cosmetic procedure, you will be part of the spa experience from start to finish. Check out the website for a full menu of services at drstonge.com

Here are a few photos from last night. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Ice Skating

If you know me well, you know that the ice rink was a very big part of my life for a while. Over the weekend we took Hugh and Layla skating for the very first time. As a skater I swore that I would never let my kid push around one of those scooters on the ice. Guess what? They used scooters. Suck it! 
Since my fat feet wouldn't cram into my old skates, I sat out with Hazel. Rental skates are one road I will never go down. 

My brother and his girl. 


I think the "I'm thankful for.." posts are a bit overdone, so I will spare you all the mush in my head. Instead, here are some pictures from a Thanksgiving to be thankful for. 

Butter lover.......