Monday, February 24, 2014

Hazel 6 Months


Only 6 months ago you were brought earth side to take your place in our family, but it feels like you were with us long before. I can't remember a day that I didn't have you and your brother to wake up to. With your very busy brother by your side, your developmental milestones are hard for even the adults to keep up with. You are already talking "dada" and "Lala", standing with the help of whatever you pull yourself up on, and crawling (although you would much rather walk).  You can wave hello/goodbye like a pro, and your giggles brighten up every room you enter. 

Pears and peaches are your very favorite thing to eat. Bananas are your least favorite. More than anything, you still prefer to snuggle and nurse. 

Hugh's tools and Legos are preferable to the teacups and teethers. 

Bath time is so much fun. You squeal with delight when the water starts flowing from the faucet and you flood the bathroom with your excessive splashing. 

It has been a quick and wonderful 6 months. Please don't grow up too fast. 


True to my photo-hoarding form, here are a few too many photos of my precious little girl. 

Note: I've been fighting the light lately when I'm taking pictures. I desperately need to take a class or two. And finally invest in some real editing software. Until then, you must be punished by my amateur skills. 

See that long luxurious lock of hair in the middle of her head? The rat tail. I refuse to cut it. I'm holding on to hope that the rest of her hair will fill in. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Amanda! Such a lovely compliment! I am obsessed with your new blog by the way!
